Monthly Archives: July 2016

Whitehorse community garden


Whitehorse’s community garden gets plenty of sunlight even though it’s at the foot of this bluff.

Yukon Horse & Rider Association


There are ranches in Yukon including a few outside Whitehorse.

The Yukon Horse & Rider Association had a horse show this weekend to show off some local kids’ equestrian skills.

Dawson City Dingbats looking like it’s 1901

Dawson City 1DSC_0575 (Small)DSC_0597 (Small)DSC_0608 (Small)DSC_0618 (Small)

Whitehorse has the Dustball Invitational slo-pitch tournament every year. It’s a big weekend of games.

This year the Dawson City Dingbats team arrived looking like an old-timey baseball team with their beards and mustaches.

Yukon River Quest 2016

DSC_0304DSC_0328DSC_0335DSC_0337DSC_0349DSC_0360DSC_0378DSC_0389DSC_0391DSC_0474DSC_0459DSC_0458DSC_0457The Yukon River Quest starts in Whitehorse and ends in Dawson City. People use canoes, kayaks and even stand-up paddle boards.

The total distance is more than 700 kilometres. There are enforced breaks along the way but teams and solo paddlers continue through the nights.

This year there were 94 teams from 14 countries. The #1 team (this year, two people in a canoe) finished after about 46 hours in the water.


Big moose along the Yukon River

DSC_0250DSC_0265DSC_0260Rainy days are better for seeing wildlife along the Yukon River. This big moose and calf noticed our canoe then walked into the shallow river.

Drifting down the Yukon River

DSC_0289DSC_0290These two were spotted on a home-made raft, slowly making their way down the Yukon River.

The current is strong enough that it’s possible to go downstream with poles to push off now and then.

Sheep alongside the Yukon River

DSC_0163DSC_0161Look closely and you’ll see white sheep on this mountain. They’re avoiding predators by clinging to the steep rock face.

Fort Selkirk, along the Yukon River

DSC_0170DSC_0178DSC_0179DSC_0181There’s a place accessible only by the Yukon River called Fort Selkirk. It’s about two days’ paddle outside of Carmacks.

Fort Selkirk has old but restored cabins which serve as museums and works as a campground.

Yukon River: Birds along the water


The Yukon River has a variety of bird species including falcons, geese, ducks, eagles and more. These are a few spotted during the paddle from Carmacks to Dawson City.

Yukon River: Our 400-kilometre journey


Some friends and I just paddled from Carmacks to Dawson City, Yukon.

The trip runs about 400 kilometres with the canoes pushed by the current all the way. The scenery is majestic.