Category Archives: Haines Junction

Reflections on water: Haines Junction

Haines Junction water (1) Haines Junction water (2) Haines Junction water (3) Haines Junction water (4) Haines Junction water (5) Haines Junction water (6)

A nice way to spend time in the summer; spend time photographing water, seeing how the camera interacts with its motion.

These were all taken in Haines Junction, Yukon.

Sign from bear country: Haines Junction

bear countryA good reminder to be careful near Haines Junction Yukon. 


Bear on the roadside near Haines Junction


bear2014 bear_flowers bear_eye_injury

This bear was spotted outside of Haines Junction.

I thought it was a grizzly bear but in fact it’s a black bear.

It was eating dandelions by the roadside only a few minutes after the end of the Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay which happened today.

The 250km relay takes place near Kluane National Park which is a place of great beauty and wildlife.

SAFETY NOTE: I took these photos using a 300mm zoom, from inside a car with the windows rolled up. I did not bother the bear and drove quickly away when I had snapped a few pictures.

Note the identifying mark of an injury over its left eye.