Category Archives: Clothing (traditional)

Adäka festival: Traditional watercraft

Adaka launch Philippe Morin CBC (16)Adaka launch Philippe Morin CBC (13)Adaka launch Philippe Morin CBC (3)Adaka launch Philippe Morin CBC (4)Adaka launch Philippe Morin CBC (5)Adaka launch Philippe Morin CBC (6)Adaka launch Philippe Morin CBC (8)

The Akäka Arts and Culture Festival wrapped up today with a splash: Traditional canoes and kayaks were launched onto the Yukon River after more than a month of work.

Aboriginal Day 2017

DSC_0004 (Medium)DSC_0002 (Medium)DSC_0024 (Medium)Daniel Ashley, DJ Dash, performing with The Dakhká Khwáan Dancers (Medium)DSC_0011 (Medium)DSC_0018 (Medium)DSC_0041 (Medium)DSC_0034 (Medium)DSC_0044 (Medium)DSC_0048 (Medium)DSC_0050 (Medium)DSC_0054 (Medium)DSC_0058 (Medium)DSC_0061 (Medium)marilyn Jensen, The Dakhká Khwáan Dancers (Medium)the Peel watershed on drum (Medium)

This is the first year that Aboriginal Day is a statutory holiday in Yukon. This means government employees had the day off.

The celebration in Whitehorse included music, dancing, fish and bannock, and stories told around a campfire.

Yukon First Nations celebrate 20 years of self-government

AFN regional Chief Mike Smith 2 applause audience Chief Carl Sidney Teslin Tlingit Council 2 Chief Doris Bill of KDNF Chief Kristina Kane of Ta'an Kwach'an Council 2 Chief Steve Smith, Champagne and Aishihik First Nations dancing 1 dancing 2 dancing drummers DSC_0014 elder watches youth dance Four first nations Gifts and recognition girl Grand Chief Ruth Massie of CYFN grandma line dancing MC Judy Gingell nacho Nyak Dun youth - Jerry-Lee Buyck and Eileen Peter 2 next generation 1 Pasloski vest Stanley Njootli Sr. - Deputy Chief Vuntut gwitchin First nation 3

A huge celebration in Whitehorse at the Kwanlin Dun Cultural centre this week. Four First Nations are marking 20 years since negotiation self-government.

Pictured here are some of the Chiefs who spoke as well as the cultural performances.

Tlingit fashion


Spotted at the Yukon Heritage Fair: This awesome Tlingit hat and blanket cape.


Arts and Crafts in Watson Lake

wls - beadwork WLS - Elder Mida DonnessyMida Donnessy teaches arts and crafts at Watson Lake secondary school.

Students learn beadwork and are making clothing for their own graduations.