Monthly Archives: November 2014

Fresh snow at the Whitehorse airport

plane2 Runway 1 Small planes Whitehorse airport PlaneHere are a few views of small planes at the Whitehorse airport. Air traffic becomes more difficult as snow reduces the visibility.

Breaking ice at hydroelectric dam: Dam that’s cold!

checking the hole Checking the monitor Divers - exitign Divers - suit Divers1 divers2

diver 2

Workers dipped into some cold water yesterday. The Whitehorse hydroelectric dam’s turbines stopped turning because of underwater ice.

Divers wearing dry suits worked in shifts using an underwater steam cannon to melt the ice and get the turbines rolling again.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Bison logo

Here’s a close up look at the RCMP logo in Whitehorse.

Yukon police are part of the historic Royal Canadian Mounted Police.