Category Archives: Whitehorse

Wildfire prevention begins early


The snow has melted early this year and conditions are dry. As a result Yukon Wildland Fire Management and the City of Whitehorse have begun preventative work about three weeks early.

Firefighters are here shown burning patches of dry grass alongside Long Lake Road, as part of work to create barriers to wildfires.

Frosty prospector

phl_0221phl_0220phl_0217This Whitehorse statue is dedicated to “all those who follow their dream.”
It takes on a special character when the frost hits the metal.

Whitewater rodeo!

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The Yukon canoe and Kayak Club holds an event every year called the Whitewater Rodeo.

Paddlers take to the waves created right outside the Whitehorse hydroelectric dam, as fans watch from Centennial Bridge.

It’s an entertainign evening watching the paddlers do flips, rolls and some jousting, like bumper cars trying to playfully knock each other out of an eddy.

Busy bees in Whitehorse


Ah, summer in Yukon!

Some City of Whitehorse workers were maintaining a flower bed today beside Two Mile Hill.

When I approached to take a picture I could see many bumblebees going flower-to-flower.

Northern lights over Whitehorse


There were incredible aurora borealis over Whitehorse this weekend.

Getting the job done at -37c


This traffic light was flashing yellow one morning around 8am. Workers from the City of Whitehorse and a local electrical company were fixing it, with a little tent to cut the wind.

A cold day on the job!

Snowy morning in Whitehorse


After a cold snap, it’s back to around -6 degrees with powdery snow.

Snow falling in Whitehorse


There was a lovely dusting of powdery snow in Whitehorse today.

Public pianos: Art project in Whitehorse


There is a project in Whitehorse to install pianos in public places. The first one was installed near the fish ladder.

The ambient sound of rushing water becomes part of the music.

Edible plant walk at Miles Canyon


The Yukon Conservation Society offers guided walks in Whitehorse, for people who want to learn about local plants.

Guides point out what’s edible and what to avoid.