Monthly Archives: April 2014

Lynx behind links

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This photo from the Yukon Wildlife Preserve accentuates the animal’s captivity.

Arctic fox at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve

DSC_0064DSC_0070 DSC_0069 DSC_0065 This arctic fox has a beautiful white coat. It’s one of many animals living at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve.

Caribou in the spring

DSC_0081 DSC_0087A caribou sniffs the air, smelling the effect of rain on the landscape.

Yukon Wildlife Preserve: Baby muskox

DSC_0047The muskoxen have recently given birth to new calves. You can see in this picture the little ones are staying close.

Muskox are shy and this picture was only possible with a long zoom. The little ones were staying far from visitors.

Swan fishing

DSC_0093Swans use their long necks to reach plants in shallow water.

This one was bobbing for some kind of pond vegetation at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve.

Thief sneaks under a fence


A groundhog moves furtively at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve. The wild colony seems to live on captive animals’ food pellets.

Snowshoe hares in the spring

DSC_0025 DSC_0028The Yukon Wildlife Preserve keeps snowshoe hares. This time of year they are shedding their white winter coats for better camouflage.

These hares are named for their large feet which they use to stay above the snow.

Spring burst

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This tree damage is caused by freezing and thawing of the sap. It looks like the trees exploded from within.

Synchronized swans

Swan haven

Did you know that swans mate for life? The same two birds will couple and then travel together for their entire lives.

I don’t know if these two are just friends, but it’s a nice image.

Magpie in the spring weather


A magpie hops around the newly-thawed ground seeking what food it can find there.

The Yukon itself is waking up after winter.