Monthly Archives: August 2017

RCMP Musical Ride

RCMP Musical Ride whitehorse (11)RCMP Musical Ride whitehorse (3)RCMP Musical Ride whitehorse (6)RCMP Musical Ride whitehorse (7)RCMP Musical Ride whitehorse (9)

The RCMP Musical Ride visited Yukon for three performances. Thirty-two horses and thirty-two riders performed drills wearing the Red Serge looking like Sergeant Preston of the Yukon.

Public pianos: Art project in Whitehorse


There is a project in Whitehorse to install pianos in public places. The first one was installed near the fish ladder.

The ambient sound of rushing water becomes part of the music.

Edible plant walk at Miles Canyon


The Yukon Conservation Society offers guided walks in Whitehorse, for people who want to learn about local plants.

Guides point out what’s edible and what to avoid.