Monthly Archives: January 2014

Chinese New Year: The Year of the Horse


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In Whitehorse the Chinese-Canadian community hosted a wonderful and colourful show with music, dancing and even the traditional ‘lion’ costumes.

Yukon athlete heads to Sochi Olympics


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A Yukon cross-country skiier is headed to the Sochi Winter Olympic games. This week Yukoners signed a banner and sent their best wishes to Emily Nishikawa.

There was a full-size cardboard cutout for taking silly photos and also t-shirts.

This city is big on skiing and Nishikawa has a lot of fans.

Snow removal around the clock

photo_1 photo_2 photo_3 photo_4This year Whitehorse has more snow than usual. This requires a lot of work to remove.

Roads tend to be wide here. Graders plow the snow into the centre of the road between lanes. Later a mechanical shovel comes by and lifts the snow into a dump truck.

As you can see crews have been working day and night.